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The Walter E. Ashley Lecture Series
First Congregational UCC - HendersonvilleHabits of Love The Walter E. Ashley Lecture Series is excited to introduce Reverend Ed Bacon as our latest esteemed lecturer. The author of 8 Habits of Love, Ed Bacon has been a regular guest host on Oprah Winfrey's Soul Series, on Oprah & Friends Radio, and a guest panelist in the Spirituality 101 segment of The Oprah Winfrey Show's ...
Timeless wisdom, Timely action
Lifespan Learning Institute's Annual IPNB ConferenceApril 28, Ed Bacon will be having a conversation with Dan Siegel and Rev. angel Kyodo Williams on Pando.
Lutheridge Conference Center 2511 Hendersonville Rd, ArdenJustice is the Body of Love ~ Love is the Soul of Justice Presenter Click here to register